What is it?

According to the Canadian Wildlife Federation, a “Pollinator Pathway” is a pesticide-free corridor of native plants that provides nutrition and habitat for pollinators and helps them to disperse into new habitats. This is something that occurs in nature and can be developed by humans through the strategic planting of multiple pollinator gardens in proximity to each other.

What is our club doing?

For 2024, the Golden Valley Garden Club has begun an initiative to establish pollinator pathways in Golden Valley. We plan to start with a small model or pilot program involving Golden Valley residents’ yards. The goal is to develop pollinator pathways that connect the City’s existing green corridors and native buffer zones together with neighborhood pollinator friendly pocket gardens. We envision this as a public-private-corporate effort that will provide a healthier environment for pollinators, pets and people for years to come. This new program supports the City of Golden Valley and the Golden Valley Garden Club’s focus on creating new pollinator and wildlife habitat.

How can you participate and get free plants?

The Golden Valley Garden Club has selected certain areas of the city that would benefit from added pollinator habitat. Residents in these areas will be asked to volunteer to participate. Residents in these areas who choose to participate will receive free native pollinator plants purchased with GVGC funds. All of these newly planted pocket sized gardens have the potential to serve as neighborhood demonstration plots which inspire other residents to try planting more pollinator attracting plants in their yards.

How does it work?

Once selected, the GV Garden club will provide instructions, native plants and soil amendments. Residents will then plant a small garden (about 3’ x 5’) and maintain their gardens under the following critical conditions:

  • Resident pledges not to use pesticides
  • Resident will allow access to their garden for research purposes
  • Resident permits photographs of their pollinator garden to be taken and shared